Posted inHilton, Paris Opera Paris & Nicole: Encore (TV Program) Peacock Richie, Nicole Television Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie Give a Surprising Education in Opera “Paris & Nicole: The Encore,” a sequel to “The Simple Life,” is a comedic lark about creating an opera, with enlightening lessons along the way. Posted by By Joshua Barone
Posted inBirkenstock Footprint Sandals Christeson, Sali Debates (Political) Fashion and Apparel Handbags and Purses Hilton, Paris Shopping and Retail Snyder, Todd (1967- ) Suits (Apparel) Paris Hilton Expands Her Walmart Offerings With a New Handbag Line A new line of handbags expands the offerings of her brand at the big-box chain. Plus, rare Birkenstocks and a pink suit you may have seen. Posted by By Misty White Sidell
Posted inChild Abuse and Neglect Children and Childhood Foster Care Hilton, Paris Law and Legislation Provo (Utah) United States Politics and Government Paris Hilton Testifies Before Congress on ‘Troubled Teen’ Facilities The media personality detailed the abuse she said she suffered at such facilities, in support of a bipartisan effort to prevent child abuse. Posted by By Rachel Sherman
Posted inBritish Vogue (Magazine) Celebrities Coleman, Zendaya Delevingne, Cara Dresses Fashion and Apparel Hilton, Paris Ibiza (Spain) London Fashion Week Miller, Sienna Moss, Kate Parties (Social) Shopping and Retail Where Zendaya and Kate Moss Go for a Dose of Ibiza Style The actress and the supermodel are among the A-listers who have gravitated to the glamorous aesthetic of the merchant-turned-designer Annie Doble. Posted by By Elizabeth Paton