Posted inDating and Relationships Deaths (Fatalities) Love (Emotion) Muslims and Islam Buscaba a mi madre en todas las personas equivocadas Cuando ella murió, mi padre se llevó su cuerpo a Pakistán. Al crecer, enfrenté la ausencia de mi madre con relaciones desastrosas. Posted by By Brian Rea
Posted inDating and Relationships Deaths (Fatalities) Love (Emotion) Muslims and Islam Looking for My Mother in All the Wrong People Until I held my son for the first time. Posted by By Sarah Malik Sayed
Posted inAtheism Dating and Relationships Divorce, Separations and Annulments Love (Emotion) Marriages Muslims and Islam New York City Paris (France) Religion and Belief Éramos la pareja ideal, excepto por la religión y los perros OKCupid nos calificó como “altamente compatibles”. Solo que él era ateo y yo musulmana practicante. Posted by By Brian Rea
Posted inAtheism Dating and Relationships Divorce, Separations and Annulments Love (Emotion) Marriages Muslims and Islam New York City Paris (France) Religion and Belief A Perfect Match, Except for God and Dogs What happens when deal breakers don’t break the deal? Posted by By Marieme Daff