Posted inBanking and Financial Institutions Frauds and Swindling Personal Finances Stocks and Bonds Why Cashing Savings Bonds Has Become So Hard Citing potential fraud, banks are making it increasingly difficult to pay out savings bonds. An unlikely beneficiary is the federal government. Posted by By Rob Copeland
Posted inContent Type: Service Energy and Power Exxon Mobil Corp Interest Rates Mutual Funds Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline Personal Finances Standard & Poor's 500-Stock Index Stocks and Bonds Stocks and Bonds Have Taken Losses. Invest in Them Anyway. Most people have lost money in the markets over the last several months, but people who have held on have prospered, our columnist says. Posted by By Jeff Sommer
Posted inColleges and Universities Content Type: Service Financial Aid (Education) Personal Finances Scholarships and Fellowships Student Loans Tuition A New Effort to Make College Aid Offers Easy to Understand After years of criticism about financial aid letters that are confusing and sometimes misleading, about 400 schools have agreed to bring “clarity” to their communication. Posted by By Ann Carrns
Posted inContent Type: Service Inflation (Economics) Longevity Personal Finances Retirement Social Security (US) Social Security’s COLA Is Coming. Here’s How to Protect Your Retirement. Social Security’s cost of living adjustment, coming next week, helps retirees keep up with their bills, but there are other strategies for coping. Posted by By Mark Miller