Boar’s Head Plant Tied to 9 Listeria Deaths Had Mold, Leaky Pipes and Flies

Boar’s Head Plant Tied to 9 Listeria Deaths Had Mold, Leaky Pipes and Flies

Federal inspectors cited continuing problems at a deli meat plant in Virginia that was linked to an outbreak of listeria, records indicate.
Can Tech Executives Be Held Responsible for What Happens on Their Platforms?

Can Tech Executives Be Held Responsible for What Happens on Their Platforms?

The arrest of Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder, as part of an investigation into illicit activities on the messaging app set off worries about the personal liability of tech executives.
Kroger and Albertsons Confront a Skeptical F.T.C. in federal court

Kroger and Albertsons Confront a Skeptical F.T.C. in federal court

The Federal Trade Commission, which is trying to block Kroger’s plan to acquire Albertsons, said in court that the merger of grocery giants would also hurt workers’ pay and benefits.