Posted inAdvertising and Marketing Social Media New Fame, Age-Old Exploitation These TikTok creators trusted their managers. Now, they just want their money. Posted by By Madison Malone Kircher
Posted inComputers and the Internet Corporate Social Responsibility Corporations Decisions and Verdicts Freedom of Speech and Expression Fringe Groups and Movements Gonzalez, Nohemi (1992-2015) Google Inc Hate Speech Mobile Applications Paris Attacks (November 2015) Rumors and Misinformation Social Media Supreme Court (US) Terrorism Video Recordings, Downloads and Streaming Supreme Court to Hear Case That Targets a Legal Shield of Tech Giants The justices are set to hear a case challenging Section 230, a law that protects Google, Facebook and others from lawsuits over what their users post online. Posted by By David McCabe
Posted inFacebook Inc Instagram Inc Meta Platforms Inc Prices (Fares, Fees and Rates) Social Media Twitter Facebook Parent Plans to Sell ‘Meta Verified’ Accounts Meta announced that it would begin charging $11.99 a month for a blue badge on Facebook and Instagram. Posted by By Stacy Cowley
Posted inBostrom, Nick Computers and the Internet Facebook Inc internal-sub-only-nl Microsoft Corp News and News Media OpenAI Labs Privacy Rumors and Misinformation Senses and Sensation Social Media New technology, same old blind spot? Don’t just look at what technology can do, look at what it helps people do to each other. Posted by By Amanda Taub