Posted inFreedom of Speech and Expression Musk, Elon Social Media Twitter Elon Musk Faces Growing Anger Over Twitter Ban of Journalists The suspensions, which were criticized by U.S. and European lawmakers, could raise the regulatory heat on the social media platform — and Elon Musk’s other companies. Posted by By Bernhard Warner
Posted inBankman-Fried, Sam Ellison, Caroline (1994- ) Ernst & Young European Commission European Parliament HK FTX Trading Ltd (Futures Exchange) House of Representatives Kaili, Eva Musk, Elon Netflix Inc New York Times OpenAI Labs Ray, John J III Social Media Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey A Space Exploration Technologies Corp Tesla Motors Inc Twitter Twitter Draws International Outrage for Suspending Journalists After Elon Musk’s Twitter suspends journalists, lawmakers and press freedom advocates fire back, threatening sanctions and fines. Posted by By RSS Feed
Posted inComputers and the Internet Corporate Social Responsibility Employee Fringe Benefits Executives and Management (Theory) Labor and Jobs Musk, Elon Social Media Telecommuting Twitter Elon Musk, Management Guru? Why the Twitter owner’s ruthless, unsparing style has made him a hero to many bosses in Silicon Valley. Posted by By Kevin Roose
Posted inCensorship Freedom of Speech and Expression Freedom of the Press Mashable Inc Musk, Elon New York Times News and News Media Social Media Twitter Washington Post Twitter Suspends Journalists’ Accounts, Some of Whom Wrote About Musk The social media service, which is owned by Elon Musk, said the accounts were suspended for “violating the Twitter rules” but did not provide details. Posted by By Mike Isaac and Kate Conger