Posted inCollege Athletics Colleges and Universities Student Athlete Compensation What Would Paying Student Athletes Look Like? A college team’s vote to unionize adds pressure on the N.C.A.A. to abandon rules that forbid paying student athletes like employees. Posted by By Joe Nocera and Ephrat Livni
Posted inCollege Athletics Colleges and Universities Student Athlete Compensation What Would Paying Student Athletes Look Like? A college team’s vote to unionize adds pressure on the N.C.A.A. to abandon rules that forbid paying student athletes like employees. Posted by By Joe Nocera and Ephrat Livni
Posted inBasketball (College) College Athletics Colleges and Universities Dartmouth College National Collegiate Athletic Assn National Labor Relations Board Northwestern University Organized Labor Student Athlete Compensation Dartmouth Players Are Employees Who Can Unionize, U.S. Official Says A regional director for the National Labor Relations Board cleared the way for the collegiate men’s basketball team to hold a vote. Posted by By Santul Nerkar
Posted inCollege Athletics Colleges and Universities Draft and Recruitment (Sports) National Collegiate Athletic Assn Student Athlete Compensation Tennessee University of Tennessee Virginia Suit Seeks to Block N.C.A.A. Limits on Athletic Donors The attorneys general in Tennessee and Virginia are asserting that the N.C.A.A. has no right to stop boosters of college sports teams from paying players. Posted by By David A. Fahrenthold Billy Witz and Michael S. Schmidt