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  • Sheila Yasmin Marikar


Construyó una marca de cosméticos de clientela fiel sin la fama de Kyle o Rihanna

Karissa Bodnar, fundadora de Thrive Causemetics, aprovechó el deseo de su generación de pertenecer a algo más grande que… bueno, la belleza.

How a Millennial Estée Lauder Built a Widely Popular Beauty Brand

Karissa Bodnar played on her customers’ desire to belong to something bigger than … well, beauty.

John Terzian Has Been Hiding Celebrities Since 2007

With haunts like The Bird Streets, Bootsy Bellows and Delilah, John Terzian is the rare club owner that famous people trust. But when everyone is...

Day 22: A Very Bollywood Christmas

Like many families only one generation removed from the “old country,” an Indian American writer’s family puts its own imprint on this omnipresent holiday.