Hosting Its Next Super Bowl, New Orleans’s Superdome Is Turning 50

Hosting Its Next Super Bowl, New Orleans’s Superdome Is Turning 50

The distinctive domed building, turning 50 this year, is known for hosting the Super Bowl, but to locals, it’s also “the city’s living room.”
Dynamic Black Marching Bands Are Super Bowl Stalwarts

Dynamic Black Marching Bands Are Super Bowl Stalwarts

H.B.C.U. bands have been part of the festivities since the first halftime show. This year, Southern University’s “Human Jukebox” will perform before the national anthem.
Headed to New Orleans for the Super Bowl or Mardi Gras? Here’s a Safety Guide.

Headed to New Orleans for the Super Bowl or Mardi Gras? Here’s a Safety Guide.

A New Year’s Day terrorist attack killed 14 people, rattled the city and prompted government officials to enhance the security precautions for the upcoming events.