‘No Smoking’ Sign on Planes Won’t Need Off Switch After FAA Rule Change

‘No Smoking’ Sign on Planes Won’t Need Off Switch After FAA Rule Change

The Federal Aviation Administration did away with a rule that had required an off switch for the sign even though smoking on U.S. flights ended years ago.
Halloween’s Mutation: From Humble Holiday to Retail Monstrosity

Halloween’s Mutation: From Humble Holiday to Retail Monstrosity

Americans once made their own costumes and candy. Now, the holiday has rapidly commercialized, transforming into an economic juggernaut.
Tesla Self-Driving System Will Be Investigated by Safety Agency

Tesla Self-Driving System Will Be Investigated by Safety Agency

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration said it was looking into what Elon Musk’s electric car company called the full self-driving system.
How Is the Economy for Black Voters? A Complex Question Takes Center Stage.

How Is the Economy for Black Voters? A Complex Question Takes Center Stage.

Donald J. Trump has been talking up his economic record for Black voters. The legacy of the last eight years is complicated.